Lyons Industries
Online Storefront View/Hide Details
Selena Sol's online storefront package was customized to build the online storefront for Lyons Industries. Customization work included : shower & tub door configuration pages, selection of matching products, matching product template configuration, custom order log admin interface, and the addition of a privacy webpage popup window.
Harbor Country Chamber of Commerce
Online Storefront View/Hide Details
Miva Merchant 3.0 was used to create the online storefront for the Harbor Country Chamber of Commerce merchandise website. Work included - product data import and setup, payment module setup, custom header/footer for order and store webpages, customer documentation, and setup of product webpage templates.
Blue Lake Blends no longer online
Online Storefront and Form Processing Script View/Hide Details
Miva Merchant 4.0 was used to create the online storefront for Blue Lake Blends, a small business specializing in herbal supplements and aromatherapy products. Work included - product data import and setup, payment module setup, custom header/footer for order/checkout webpages and customer documentation.
Perl form processing script was configured and installed for a 'personal blend request' form webpage.
Through Kelly's Eyes
Online Storefront and website redesign View/Hide Details
Miva Merchant 5.0 was used to create the online storefront and website for Through Kelly's Eyes, a photo gifts business owned by Kelly Weber. Custom work - a 'zoom' javascript popup window to feature larger image files, customized attribute templates that determine final product pricing, customized shopping cart display and checkout, custom Miva pages for easy content maintenance.
Sitewide formatting was achieved through a custom stylesheet, and supports browser quirks in IE 5. The new 'look & feel' and introductory Flash animation was created by Three Partners Design