This is a Lot of Work!

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This is a lot more work than I thought!

While this sounds like an overwheming amount of work, keep in mind that in the end, your website will act as a 24/7 virtual informational resource about your company. In many respects, a website requires the same time, effort, and preparation that is involved in creating a new marketing or print piece for your company.

I have a long list of things I'd like to put on my website - it sounds like it will take a long time to create the website.
A common misconception is that when a website goes live, all the information and content that will be featured needs to go up all at once. This is not true - because the World Wide Web is not subject to the restrictions or timelines of the traditional publishing world, you can launch your website in stages or phases. For our clients who are looking at a multi-stage implementation, we usually recommend concentrating on building the overall structure of the website in the first stage.

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